Secure Software Development-Business Logic Flaws

Business Logic Flaws

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What is the Business Logic vulnerability?

Business Logic” flaws allow attackers to manipulate the business logic of a web application to their advantage.

What causes Business Logic vulnerabilities?

Logic flaws can be the result of coding bugs, design flaws or wrong logical assumptions made by developers during the implementation of the system.

Let’s look at some examples, first let’s go through a flawed order cancellation. In this scenario, an attacker is connected to an e-shop where they buy a number of items. When finished, they proceed to the checkout page. When presented with the payment page, the attacker cancels the order. The money is not withdrawn, but because of a logic flaw, the items are still sent to the attacker.

Second example, I will explain reuse of discount coupons. In this scenario, an attacker is logged into an e-commerce site. They obtain a %25 reduction coupon. The attacker buys products and at the payment screen, uses the discount coupon. However, because of a logic flaw, they are able to reuse the code multiple times, giving them %100 reduction. Proceeding to the checkout, they receive the order for free!

Last example, let’s go through an attacker who increases the bank balance. The attacker is logged into a bank where they have a bank account. Transferring a negative amount to the account of a victim. The negative transfer is wrongly interpreted and the amount is transferred from the victim to the attacker’s account instead. Business logic flaws can have significant impacts. Since logic flaws are application specific, their impact depends on the application but is typically high.

To prevent business logic flaws:

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